Thomas D'Arcy McGee Catholic (MCG) Home Page Slides

School News

Weekly Update - Week of February 10, 2025

Please see the attached link for the weekly update for this week.  Thank you.

Weekly Update - Week of February 3, 20205

Please see the attached link for the weekly update for this week.  Thank you.

Parent Volunteers

We are looking forward to planning field trips for our students, however, we are in need of parent volunteers to be able to make this happen.  Please ensure that you are on our volunteer list!

To volunteer at an OCSB school (in the school or on field trips), you need a current (within 6 months) Level 3 Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) from Ottawa Police. VSCs are free with a VSC request letter from our Volunteer Coordinator. Please request the letter from  Once you have your VSC, visit to complete your application.

School Calendar

Board News & Information

Click the slide to learn more

Elementary - Board news & information